Day 79: Weekly water change.

Did the weekly 10% water change on the DT today. No major hang ups.  The mark on the DT and the cook tank both match for 10%.  I used the water from the DT to prep 6 gallons of daily water change for the QT over the next week.  I’m getting pretty good at eyeballing how much 1.025 water in a 1g is needed to make 1.009.  In case your wondering filling the milk jug to just about an inch under the side sticker on most brands gets you pretty close.  Top that off with RODI and you’re good. The firefish still looks pretty darn happy, eating and hanging out.  I noticed that when things aren’t “right” in the QT he tends to hide more.

Coralline algae is going crazy on the back wall.  From week to week it is visibly larger and more spots!  Cleaned up lots of other spots in the tank too.  Still scratching that coralline on the front and sides to get it to spread.

I spent some time updating my stocking page, specifically the spreadsheet.  I included another sheet for corals I’m thinking about and where in my tank would be best to put them.  That’s about it.

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